
Analysis of "Sic Transit Gloria...Glory Fades" by Brand New

Song Title: “Sic Transit Gloria…Gloria Fades”
Artist: Brand New

In an effort to make a cultural criticism, I have chosen to analyze “Sic Transit Gloria…Glory Fades” by Brand New.  The song, released in 2004, is unique in several ways:  the lyrics, the vocals, and the general meaning of the song.  The way in which the song is sung will not leave the listener with a clear idea of the deep nature of the lyrics because it takes more than one listen to truly understand the narrative of the song.  Many bands write songs with very simple verses and repetitive choruses.  In “Sic Transit Gloria…Glory Fades”, Brand New has managed to incorporate metaphors, powerful imagery, and a visceral quality to this defining song.  On the surface, the listener may assume that this is just another song about young people and their struggles in growing up and experiencing things for the first time.  However, the deeper meaning lies in the repeated lyrics, “Die young and save yourself.”  The lyrics, of course, are not literal; they simply mean that it would be easier to die young and save one’s self from the experience of growing up and the loss of innocence. 
“Sic Transit Gloria…Glory Fades” addresses the issue of having sex with someone for the first time.  In particular, the song is from a male point of view in which he is reluctant to have sex with an apparently experienced girl.  The lyrics reflect his emotions and physical reservations about losing his virginity to a girl who obviously does not value the experience in the same light because she has already lost hers: “She hits the lights. / This doesn't seem quite fair. / Despite everything he learned from his friends, / he doesn't feel so prepared. / She's breathing quiet and smooth. / He's gasping for air.  This song is interesting because many popular songs are reflective of a male’s perspective in which dominance over a female defines his manhood and the animalistic lust that is so fundamental to his nature.  The perspective of this song matters because it gives a voice to males that, in American culture, are expected to have sexual prowess and be completely confident when having sex, but may not feel that they do possess these qualities.  Also, the way the lead singer painfully shouts lyrics and evokes desperation and frustration with the situation presented in the song is vital in its overall “feeling” or aesthetic:  Up the stairs: the station where
the act becomes the art of growing up.  In this lyric, the “art of growing up” is becoming a man by losing one’s virginity.  This proves to be a monumental moment for the subject, although it seems as though this sexual experience will be regretted.   
The instrumentation of the song also functions in establishing its tone.  For example, the bum-bum-bum-bum of the bass line that continues throughout the song is representative of the heavy heartbeat of the subject who has been put in the stressful situation of basically being forced to have sex with a girl when he does not feel comfortable with it.  Along with the bass, the emphatic drumming causes the pulse of the listener to adapt to the rhythm of the song, creating a physical element that coincides with the emotional feeling that the lyrics convey.  By breaking up the steady beat of the bass line and drumming of the verses, the instrumentation of the chorus creates a sense of urgency that Brand New pairs with the emotions surrounding the subject of the song.  The parts of the song with rapid drumming introduce the listener to the intensity of the chorus underlined by the “Die young and save yourself” lyric.  Perhaps the song is best summarized by the line “He is the lamb, / she is the slaughter. / She's moving way too fast and all he wanted was to hold her”.  The metaphor demonstrates his loss of innocence and her denial of his desire in favor of her own.  It is a moment he will regret, a moment that was supposed to be glorious, but the “glory” fades.   


"Sic Transit Gloria...Glory Fades"

Keep the noise low.
She doesn't wanna blow it.
Shaking head to toe
while your left hand does "the show me around."
Quickens your heartbeat.
It beats me straight into the ground.

You don't recover from a night like this.
A victim, still lying in bed, completely motionless.
A hand moves in the dark to a zipper.
Hear a boy bracing tight against sheets
barely whisper, "This is so messed up."

Upon arrival the guests had all stared.
Dripping wet and clearly depressed,
he'd headed straight for the stairs.
No longer cool, but a boy in a stitch,
unprepared for a life full of lies and failing relationships.

(Up the stairs: the station where
the act becomes the art of growing up.)

He keeps his hands low.
He doesn't wanna blow it.
He's wet from head to toe and
his eyes give her the up and the down.
His stomach turns and he thinks of throwing up.
But the body on the bed beckons forward
and he starts growing up.

The fever, the focus.
The reasons that I had to believe you weren't too hard to sell.
Die young and save yourself.
The tickle, the taste of...
It used to be the reason I breathed but now it's choking me up.
Die young and save yourself.

She hits the lights.
This doesn't seem quite fair.
Despite everything he learned from his friends,
he doesn't feel so prepared.
She's breathing quiet and smooth.
He's gasping for air.
"This is the first and last time," he says.
She fakes a smile and presses her hips into his.
He keeps his hands pinned down at his sides.
He's holding back from telling her
exactly what it really feels like.

He is the lamb, she is the slaughter.
She's moving way too fast and all he wanted was to hold her.
Nothing that he tells her is really having an effect.
He whispers that he loves her,
but she's probably only looking for se-...

(Up the stairs: the station where
the act becomes the art of growing up.)

So much more than he could ever give.
A life free of lies and a meaningful relationship.
He keeps his hands pinned down at his sides.
He waits for it to end
and for the aching in his guts to subside.

The fever, the focus.
The reasons that I had to believe you weren't too hard to sell.
Die young and save yourself.
The tickle, the taste of...
It used to be the reason I breathed but now it's choking me up.
Die young and save yourself.

Up the stairs: the station where
the act becomes the art of growing up.

The fever, the focus.
The reasons that I had to believe you weren't too hard to sell.
Die young and save yourself.
The tickle, the taste of...
It used to be the reason I breathed but now it's choking me up.
Die young and save yourself.


  1. I'm quite late in reading this article, but I loved it. Well done. I've loved this song since I first heard it at 15. I think you did a great job analysing it.

  2. Good assesment, however I think that he actually loves the girl, whereas she is using him as a convenience.

    Note the lyrics;
    "He is the lamb, she is the slaughter.
    She's moving way too fast and all he wanted was to hold her.
    Nothing that he tells her is really having an effect.
    He whispers that he loves her,
    but she's probably only looking for se-..."

    He is merely a passenger on this ride, unable to affect change in any way. He still holds hope that he will become as important to her as she is to him, but he knows its a folly.

    "but she's probably only looking for se-..."
    This line then is overruled by "So much more than he could ever give.
    A life free of lies and a meaningful relationship."
    He forces himself to think the better of her, in spite of the opposite staring him in the face.

    Awesome song though.
